The Charles Morris Hall is a traditional village hall in the hamlet of Tyttenhanger Green, a couple of miles south east of the historic city of St Albans, in the county of Hertfordshire, to the north of London … England.
The Hall was built in 1974 at the behest of the residents of Tyttenhanger Green. The building was financed by the sale to the City & District Council of land left to the the community by the late Charles Morris, a local businessman, after whom the Hall is named.

We believe we have one of the best village halls in Hertfordshire and although we could keep this wonderful asset to ourselves, we are pleased to offer it for hire to individuals and organisations outside Tyttenhanger Green.
The Hall is available for hire by residents and non-residents alike and, over the years, a formalised hiring policy for regular and casual (i.e. one-off) hirers has evolved. Regular hirers include clubs, societies and small businesses such as martial arts groups, painting classes and bay and toddler welfare.
Regular hirers – typically those who book the Hall once a week – are accommodated at the Hall Sundays through Fridays. Saturdays are reserved for the exclusive use of casual hirers for functions such as Birthday Celebrations.
You can book the hall here.
The use of the Hall by regular hirers meets a local demand as well as providing a regular source of funds to cover the running costs of the Hall as well as contributing to projects of a capital nature such as the recent replacement of the central heating boiler.
Read about the history of Charles Morris and the Hall.

Find us at:
Charles Morris Hall
Tyttenhanger Green
St. Albans
The Charles Morris Hall Management Committee (Management Committee) manages the Charles Morris Hall (Hall) on behalf of the residents of Tyttenhanger Green and most of Highfield Lane south of its junction with Highfield Park Drive who own the building.
Facts about the Management Committee
- Its members are residents who volunteer their time and effort;
- It is a properly constituted and registered charity (number 26980);
- It manages the Hall on a day-to-day basis and, via the Hall’s Booking Officer, it engages with a wide variety of clubs, societies and individuals from St Albans and beyond;
- It ensures the Hall is run in accordance with good village hall management practices;
- It submits annual financial returns to the Charity Commission;
- It is prohibited by its constitution from organising and running any functions at the Hall; and
- Members may not claim expenses other than for the occasional purchase of equipment and consumables directly related to the maintenance and running of the Hall;
- Two members of the Management Committee are drawn from the Tyttenhanger Green Parties Committee (Parties Committee);